The Week 29. All times have been adjusted for the timezone: Europe/Amsterdam. If your Noble Approval is too low and you failed to win Arisse's support, or if Adair was killed, a group of nobles led by Arisse rebel against you.

During pregnancy, iron is important for replenishing the red blood cell supply. Untested: It's likely that the Noble Approval calculations for the civil war flag occur in earlier weeks, related to Arisse's flags. Talk to friends, family, your midwife or doctor, and discuss anything that's worrying.
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If your Noble Approval is too low and you failed to win Arisse's support, or if Adair was killed, a group of nobles led by Arisse rebel against you.
Talk to friends, family, your midwife or doctor, and discuss anything that's worrying. During pregnancy, iron is important for replenishing the red blood cell supply. Testing continues, daily and weekly results are posted on links below and throughout the week in the comment section.
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